Fast Food Takeover

Fast Food Takeover


  • 5 Player Game
  • Goal: The objective of the game is to plant all ten of your restaurants anywhere within the United States border. Once the player has occupied ten states, their last feat is to make it back to their home base.
  • Rules:
    • Each player must start on his or her designated restaurant space indicated by the restaurant’s logo and color. (orange: Whataburger, red: chick-fil-a, purple: taco bell, yellow: McDonalds, green: subway)
    • To determine who goes first, each player will roll a die. The player that roles the highest goes first and then it goes clockwise in sequence.
    • To leave the starting space, each player has to role an odd number (1, 3, 5) and the player may move the odd number that they role. So if a player roles a 1 they may move 1 space, if a player roles a 5 they may move five spaces. However, if a player roles an even number they lose that turn and must wait till their next turn to try again.
    • Once on the board, each player must roll a die to determine how many spaces they move. There are 7 different possibilities of spaces to land on:
      • European Takeover
      • Bankrupt
      • Order takeout
      • Cook off
      • Plant 2: if your piece lands on its color and the tile says “plant two restaurants” only if it is your designated color may you plant these restaurants in any state. (does not include Europe)
      • Lose a restaurant: if a player lands on a tile that is not its color and it says “lose a restaurant” the player must take off one of their restaurant pieces.
      • If a player lands on a tile that is their color and it has no directions the player may add a restaurant to any city on the board.
  • If two players land on the same space, they must “battle” each other to see who will lose a restaurant.
    • In this scenario, the defender will roll two dice while the attacker rolls one. If the defender wins he gets to keep his piece on the board. However, if the attacker wins he gets to take off one of his opponents pieces and replace it with his own.
      • The defender’s highest roll is compared with the attackers roll and whoever has the highest number wins. If it is a tie, the win goes to the attacker.
    • If a player lands on the same tile as another player, but the player does not have any restaurants to battle with, the attacker gets to roll one dice and if it is a 4 or higher, they may add a piece anywhere on the board.
  • Once a player has planted ten pieces on the map, they must make it back to their original starting point.
    • Once they have placed ten pieces they are immune to opponents taking away their restaurants.
  • When the player has made it successfully back to their home base this player has won the game.
  • European Takeover
    • In the four corners of the board there are different European cities (Germany, Italy, Spain, and France). These countries can also be occupied by restaurants and serve as an added bonus. If a player’s restaurant occupies a European city AND they have ten restaurants planted in the United States they automatically win the game (they are not required to make it back to home base). Similarly, if a player has two European cities and 9 pieces in America the same rules apply, and so on.
    • However, if another player lands on a European city that is already occupied, both players will roll to see who gains control.
      • The player who already occupies the city gets to role with two dice, and the player who is challenging only gets to role one. The highest of the two dice rolled by the original owner is matched with whatever number the challenger roles. Whoever roles the highest gets to maintain or gain control.
        • If there is a tie, the city goes to the challenger.
  • Bankrupt
    • If a player lands on the Bankrupt square, they lose all of their pieces (including their European city).
  • Order Takeout
    • These tiles instruct a player to draw a card from the “Order Takeout” pile and the player must follow the directions stated on the card.
  • Cook off
    • If a player lands on the “cook off” tile and it is not their color they must pick another player of their choice to compete for restaurants. The player “under attack” gets advantage and gets to roll two dice, while the attacker only gets to roll one. The higher of the two dice is compared with the one die of the attacker.
      • If the attacker wins the roll they get to replace their piece with whatever piece is currently occupying the tile. (has to be in the United States, European cities are not included)
      • If the defender wins they do not receive any benefits, but they have no pieces taken off the board.

Created by: Shelby Flowers, Sloan Godsey, Trey Burkhalter, and Austin Wright