Beyond Gamification

Jason Nolan & Melanie McBride (2014) “Beyond gamification: reconceptualizing game-based learning in early childhood environments,” Information, Communication & Society 17:5, 594-608. REVIEWED by Emily Chadwell This article discusses the idea that children aged 3-10 are the ideal age where we can see the successful implementations of gaming in an educational scenario. The idea is that ramification causes …


That’s LIFE: the game

LIFE: Session Report Emily Chadwell LIFE: We played the original version of LIFE from the 1960s. The board is set up in a path that winds around the board going through different areas of the game. Each player chooses a car and starts to play by spinning the wheel and moving the number of spaces. …


Dunkin’ and Dragons: eating donuts, and playing D&D

Session: Dungeons and Dragons This game began with character selections. Players were given the opportunity to roll for the different traits of their characters. They chose the race, class, and alignment. They then rolled for different abilities levels: strength, dexterity, intelligence, wisdom, etc. I was given one character at random who was a halfling rogue. …
