Video games and Aggressive Behavior

Review of Greitemeyer, Tobias. “Intense acts of violence during video game play make daily life aggression appear innocuous: A new mechanism why violent video games increase aggression.” Journal Of Experimental Social Psychology 50, (January 2014): 52-56. PsycINFO, EBSCOhost (accessed May 22, 2014). By James Blough The article written by Tobias Greitemeyer is on the effects of …


Braveheart Revisited

Hammer of the Scots Using the Braveheart Campaign which had the unfortunate expected outcome. The game is set in Scotland starting in the year 1297. The English tyrannical rule has caused the Scots to rise up to gain their freedom. The game is set with a distinct disadvantage in force with the English being much …


How i learned to love yelling

Elder Scrolls V. Skyrim is a RPG set in Elder Scrolls world. The game has a long intro video that lasts for several minutes before the typical RPG format starts. After the exceedingly long cut scene that cannot be skipped the player is able to create a character. The character creating offers several species of …
