
  • This game is a Medical Co-op game that can be played with up to 4 or 5 players
  • In the game there are 2 roles and 4 actions
  • In order to find a cure for a disease, a player will need 5 cards of the same color
    • The scientist needs only 4 of the same color
  • There are “Special Event” cards that allow you to do extra tasks throughout the game
  • When it is your turn, you must Draw 2 cards every time
    • If the “Epidemic” card is drawn, the infection rate moves up
  • No more than 3 cubes are allowed on a city at once
    • If a city with 3 cubes gets infected again, then an outbreak occurs and every surrounding city adds one more cube
  • To treat the disease (cube), a player must move to that city to remove the cube
    • The Medic can remove all cubes from a city that they are in at once
  • “Sharing knowledge” is an action that allows for players to help share their cards with another player during their turn to ultimately cure a disease
  • The object of the game is to find the cure for all 4 diseases before:
    • The infection cards run out
    • Outbreak spreads too high for the game to continue (Up to 8 outbreaks)
    • The player cards that are drawn every turn run out
  • During our game, the roles were as followed:
    • Sloan – Scientist
    • Austin – Researcher
    • Rae – Medic
    • Shelby – Operations Expert
      Each role in the game consists of its own special task. Therefore, each player has an equally important job throughout the game.

      Each role in the game consists of its own special task. Therefore, each player has an equally important job throughout the game.

  • This game was already the second time that we played due to such an early death in the previous game
  • Sloan began by moving to Sao Paulo to begin curing the city
  • Austin cured Atlanta and then flew to Buenos Aires to help cure the city
  • Rae then flew to and cured Hong Kong
  • Shelby went to Los Angeles
    • Still no outbreaks, thankfully
  • Sloan cured the rest of Sao Paulo and continued by flying to Moscow and then curing Istanbul
  • Austin went to Paris and then went on to cure Milan
  • Rae used her turn to help cure Osaka
  • Shelby cured San Francisco and then flew over to Tehran
  • Sloan helped to finish curing Istanbul
  • Austin added a research center in Milan and once again cured Istanbul
  • Rae cured Lima
    This move was especially important to note because there were still no disease outbreaks during this game.

    This move was especially important to note because there were still no disease outbreaks during this game. In our first game, there was an outbreak within the first few moves.

  • Shelby added a research center in Karachi following the curing of the city
  • Sloan moved back to Atlanta and cured Chicago
    • She then drew the “Epidemic” card throwing every player into a panic
  • Austin cured the previously infected towns of Karachi and Baghdad
  • Rae moved to Seoul in order to cure Tokyo
  • Shelby moved to Beijing and both cured and added a research center in the city
    • Another “Epidemic” card is drawn and the infection rate moves up once again
  • Sloan moved to Bangkok and then partially cured Shanghai
  • Austin flew to and cured both Toronto and New York City
    • OUTBREAK in Algiers
    • First outbreak of the game causing everyone to finally begin stressing
  • Shelby cured Khartoum
    • Drew another “Epidemic” card and the infection rate moved up to 3
    • 4 more OUTBREAKS occur and moves the total up to 5 now (out of 8)

      4 more OUTBREAKS occur and moves the total up to 5 now (out of 8)

      Sloan immediately found a cure for the disease in South American and South Africa (Yellow)

      Sloan immediately found a cure for the disease in South American and South Africa (Yellow)

    • Austin flew to Milan and helped cure the area
    • Another OUTBREAK in Algiers causing the total to increase rapidly all over the map


    • This game lasted longer than our first game by far
    • The game was very fun and intriguing and allows you essentially the chance to save the world of disease
    • However, failure means that the world is practically doomed with infections
    • I would absolutely play this game and would recommend it to anyone that enjoys intense games with an overall clear objective

By: Austin Wright