Ummm…Catch Phrase!!

                                                 Catch It, Guess It, Pass It!                                               Catch Phrase is the …


Race for the Cure! Pandemic

Grant A. Bissell The Idea Pandemic is a game that was introduced to me during the summer of 2014 in Dr. Peterson’s History of Games class.  Having never played the game before, I had my doubts about the game.  I quickly learned that “Pandemic” is a very fun game to play that requires strategy, teamwork …


Session Report: Rebuild (iOS game)

Rebuild takes place in an apocalyptic world taken over by zombies. You may think this makes for a very typical zombie game where you just fight wave after wave of zombies trying to survive. Well, you would be wrong. Rebuild, just as the name states, is designed to challenge the player to focus on “rebuilding” …


Puerto Rico: Stop choosing Captain!!!

Puerto Rico           The board game Puerto Rico is the somewhat quick game that is full of the best gaming features for a fun time. When we played it usually took us about and hour and a half or so but the more we played, the quicker the game passed. This game was designed by …


That’s LIFE: the game

LIFE: Session Report Emily Chadwell LIFE: We played the original version of LIFE from the 1960s. The board is set up in a path that winds around the board going through different areas of the game. Each player chooses a car and starts to play by spinning the wheel and moving the number of spaces. …


Dive on in to Clue With The Simpson’s!

Amy Cobos Clue: The Simpson’s Edition Clue is a game created by Hasbro that I already knew how to play coming into HY 300 History of Games. It is an epic game full of mystery and adventure that people of all ages will enjoy playing. It has a storytelling theme of uncovering a murder that …


NFL QB ’13

Forrest Hudson NFL QB ’13 is a tablet or smart phone game based around the United States’ form of football. While it is based on the U.S. version of football it is not a full football game, but rather what many people call “7on7”. This is basically just the quarterback and receivers versus the linebackers …


Catch the Fun Virus! Play Pandemic!

Amy Cobos Pandemic!             Pandemic was a new game, published by Z-Man games, which I learned to play while in HY 300-001 History of Games. It was my favorite game we played during class and had a lot of different elements of gaming combined into one fun experience. Pandemic is a game full of team …


Session Report Yu-gi-Oh

Session Report 1 Yugi-Oh Forrest Hudson HY 300 I am playing a deck that is highly focused on a Warrior and Magician theme. I have no idea what kind of deck my opponent is using, but I know he is a veteran player and will be well versed in whatever deck he chooses and its …


Dunkin’ and Dragons: eating donuts, and playing D&D

Session: Dungeons and Dragons This game began with character selections. Players were given the opportunity to roll for the different traits of their characters. They chose the race, class, and alignment. They then rolled for different abilities levels: strength, dexterity, intelligence, wisdom, etc. I was given one character at random who was a halfling rogue. …
